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Welcome to Andover Soccer Association (ASA)

  • Our mission is to provide healthy youth sports opportunities to Andover's youth. 
  • ASA is the second largest youth soccer association in Massachusetts and is run by Andover parent volunteers.
  • ASA registers approximately 1,600 players, 300 volunteer coaches, 70 youth referees and represents 1,200 families.
  • ASA fields boys & girls teams for all abilities and competition levels, from age 5 to age 18.
  • ASA offers multiple player & coach training as well as social programs throughout the year.
  • ASA is a 501(c)(3), non-profit organization. 

Uniform and Fanwear Store

Order Your ASA Gear Today!

Enter code ASAREWARD to receive 10% off your uniform

ASA Scholarship

The Andover Soccer Association is excited to continue its tradition of supporting education by offering two $2,500 scholarships to graduates of the Class of 2024. The awards will go to one male and one female student, whose primary legal residence is in the town of Andover. 

These one-year scholarships are designated for the first year of the recipients' post-secondary school education. This scholarship is open to any student who participated in Andover Soccer as a child growing up in Andover. You do not need to have participated in Soccer as a varsity sport to be considered for this scholarship.

The scholarship application is available at the Andover High School guidance office or online at the Andover Soccer Association website.

Applications must be e-mailed no later than Monday March 25, 2024 to:


ASA parent and former coach/board member Esso Tcheouafei ran a tournament in his home country of Togo on 12/23/23.  The tournament was held in the capital city of Lome and included four teams with 60 players participating.  ASA donated several boxes of uniforms and equipment to be used by the players.